On the way to Beaune…

There was randomness.  Here are the words and images to go with them.

We had a nice drive from Amboise toward Beaune, and we stopped at a fromagerie.  I swear, it was the most flies that I have ever seen in my life.  The goats looked happy, and they made lots of milk, which was then turned into goat cheese!  My mom was somewhat crestfallen to learn that the goats lived in large barns, and that there were two barns with at least 75 goats in each.  I tried to explain the status of milk and meat animals in America, but I don’t think it got through.  Let me add again that I believe that the goats were pretty happy and not that over crowded.  And man, the cheese was good.  Terribly stinky, but good (after I ate half of it for lunch and put the other half into the car, we had to drive with the windows down).

We also passed a few nuclear power plants, (which made me think of Shane) that were just right in the middle of the road.  I found this interesting, what with the United State’s fascination with security.  The French don’t seem to be bothered by it.  I believe I could have driven right up there if I wanted.

After getting somewhat lost due to a road closure (which are quite popular in France these days), we wound up repeatedly driving through cherry fields.  Finally we stopped, and I took some pictures, although I really wanted to eat the cherries, I didn’t.  I did get to buy some the next day while we were in the market in Beaune though, which was great.  It is both sweet and tart cherry season, and I tried some of both.  The guy didn’t think I could eat the tart ones, but they were tasty.

Also on the way to Beaune, we stopped at Guédelon, a castle which is currently being built using only 13th century building techniques.  It was so amazing, it definitely deserves its own post.

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